Sitka is a magical place with thousands of years having passed since the unending winter of the last ice age that drove the Tlingits from Southeast Alaska. Only after the glaciers loosened their icy grasp, about nine hundred years ago, did the people return from the south. They built a village called Tongass.
Seeking evergreen trees suitable for building houses, a canoe party went north from Tongass along the outside coast. Ice flows still blocked the inside passages, and the land they found was thick with grass and alder, but no evergreens. Soon, large smoke plumes twenty miles to the northwest became visible. The party made camp and sent a canoe to investigate the source of the smoke. As it neared, the scouting party saw a mountain upon an island spouting fire and smoke.
The party grew closer and circled the island. At the Northwest end they found what they had been seeking; evergreen trees in abundance. The Tlingits had started to cut and split the island’s trees to build homes, when a woman in white appeared to them. She demanded that they leave her island in peace. Dressed for trouble, the Tlingit medicine man came forth to speak with the volcano woman, who called herself Shee. As they spoke, Shee noticed the jewelry of the Tlingit woman. She agreed that in return for earrings, bracelets and other gifts, the Tlingits could remain on her island.
A larger island nearby was also settled in later years and it was named Shee Island, after the volcano woman. Some built homes next to the water, while others moved insland. In the Tlingit language, ‘‘Atika’’ means outside, and the sound-dwellers were called Shee Atika (people on the outside of Shee Island. Their village bore the same name, and today is called Sitka.
As handed down by
Herman Kitka (Permission to use by Herman Kitka, February 2, 2002 and published in Tlingit Recipes of Today and Long Ago by Pauline Duncan.) Shee asked the natives for their jewelry in exchange for using her island. Mr. Kitka stated that if there are individuals who go over to the Volcano Island, to shine a copper penny and leave it behind. This acknowledges their appreciation and respect to Shee, the volcano woman. This exerpt is taken from